Current Research with Macaques:
(Note: The following are examples of recent research done with these primates, it is by no means an exhaustive list. This list will be periodically updated as more information becomes available. Also, though Mindy's Memory Primate Sanctuary DOES NOT support invasive medical research on primates, some articles of this type will be listed - both for information and as examples of the work that is currently being done with these animals. There are SO many studies on macaques, I have provided a topic index. Some citations may be repeated if they fall into more than one category.)AGING
Clarkson, T B
Estrogens, progestins, and coronary heart disease in cynomolgus monkeys. FERTILITY AND STERILITY 62(6, suppl. 2): 147S-151S, 1994.Clarkson, T B ; Tansey, G
Cynomolgus monkeys for the study of hormonal influences on atherogenesis. Pp. 132-139 in ATHEROSCLEROSIS X. F.P. Woodford; J. Davignon; A. Sniderman, eds. New York, Elsevier Science Publ., 1995. (ISBN 0-444-82007-8) Serial title: Int Congr Ser, No. 1066.Cline, J M; Paschold, J C; Anthony, M S; Obasanjo, I O; Adams, M R
Effects of hormonal therapies and dietary soy phytoestrogens on vaginal cytology in surgically postmenopausal macaques. FERTILITY AND STERILITY 65(5): 1031-1035, 1996.Coe, C L; Lemieux, A M; Rier, S E; Uno, H; Zimbric, M L
Profile of endometriosis in the aging female rhesus monkey. JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY A53(1): M3-M7, 1998.Colman RJ
THE SKELETAL EFFECTS OF AGING, MENOPAUSE AND DIETARY RESTRICTION IN RHESUS MACAQUES (MACACA MULATTA). PhD thesis. Madison Univ of Wisconsin, 1998, 113+ pages..Colman RJ; Lane MA; Binkley N; Wegner FH; Kemnitz JW
Skeletal effects of aging in male rhesus monkeys. BONE 24(1): 17-23, 1999.Croft MA; Kaufman PL; Crawford KS; Neider MW; Glasser A; Bito LZ
Accommodation dynamics in aging rhesus monkeys. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 275(6 pt 2): R1885-R1897, 1998.Durham RA; Bian F; Callahan MJ; Emmerling MR; et al
Regional differences in the distribution of Abeta40 and Abeta42 in the brains of aged rhesus monkeys. SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE ABSTRACTS 24(Pt 1): 727, 1998. (Abstract)Emborg ME; Ma SY; Mufson EJ; Levey AI; Taylor MD; Brown WD; Holden JE; Kordower JH
Age-related declines in nigral neuronal function correlate with motor impairments in rhesus monkeys. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 401(2): 253-265, 1998.Emborg ME; Ma SY; Mufson EJ; Levey A; et al
Nigrostriatal degeneration and impaired motor function in aged rhesus monkeys: A model of human aging and early Parkinson's disease (PD) for neural transplantation. EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY 153(2): 389, 1998. (Abstract)Fedigan LM; Pavelka MSM
Is there adaptive value to reproductive termination in Japanese macaques? A test of the grandmother hypothesis. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (Suppl 28): 126, 1999. (Abstract)Gilardi, K V K; Shideler, S E; Valverde, C R; Roberts, J A; Lasley, B L
Characterization of the onset of menopause in the rhesus macaque. BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 57(2): 335-340, 1997.Herndon JG; Constantinidis I; Moss MB
Age-related brain changes in rhesus monkeys: A magnetic resonance spectroscopic study. NEUROREPORT 9(9): 2127-2130, 1998.Herndon JG; Tigges J; Klumpp SA; Anderson DC
Brain weight does not decrease with age in adult rhesus monkeys. NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING 19(3): 267-272, 1998.Jerome, C P ; Carlson, C S ; Register, T C ; Bain, F T ; Jayo, M J ; Weaver, D S ; Adams, M R
Bone functional changes in intact, ovariectomized, and ovariectomized, hormone-supplemented adult cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) evaluated by serum markers and dynamic histomorphometry. JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH 9(4): 527-540, 1994.Johnson, R L; Kapsalis, E
Ageing, infecundity and reproductive senescense in free-ranging female rhesus monkeys. JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND FERTILITY 105(2): 271-278, 1995.Johnson, R L; Kapsalis, E
Is it likely that a rhesus female will experience menopause? IPS/ASP CONGRESS ABSTRACTS (1996): #233, 1996. (Abstract)Johnson RL; Kapsalis E
Do aged free-ranging female rhesus monkeys exhibit a mortality plateau? AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 45(2): 186-187, 1998. (Abstract)Johnson RL; Kapsalis E
Menopause in free-ranging rhesus macaques: Estimated incidence, relation to body condition, and adaptive significance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 19(4): 751-765, 1998.Kim MJ
Caloric restriction, oxidative stress and aging: Studies in red and white blood cells from rhesus monkeys. DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNATIONAL B59(1): 167, 1998. (To order: #AAD97-36198. University Microfilms, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI 48106)Krueger D., H. Todd, A. Haffa, J. Bruner, D. Yandow, and N. Binkley. 1999.
Central region-of-interest analysis of lumbar spine densitometry demonstrates lower bone mass in older rhesus monkeys. Bone. Jan;24(1):29-33.Lacreuse A; Herndon GJ; Moss MB
[Age-related cognitive decline in humans and rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta).] PRIMATOLOGIE. 1: 333-377, 1998. (French w/ English summary)Lee E; Davidov T; Sandell JH
Age-related changes in the microvasculature of primary visual cortex in the macaque monkey. FASEB JOURNAL 12(5 pt 2 suppl): A752, 1998. (Abstract)McKinney, K A; Duell, P B; Wheaton, D L; Hess, D L; Patton, P E; Spies, H G; Burry, K A
Differential effects of subcutaneous estrogen and progesterone on low-density lipoprotein size and susceptibility to oxidation in postmenopausal rhesus monkeys. FERTILITY AND STERILITY 68(3): 525-530, 1997.Morris ED; Chefer SI; Lane MA; Muzic RF Jr; et al.
Effect of age on D2 dopamine receptor binding measured with 11-C-raclopride and PET in rhesus monkeys. Partial volume correction reduces the apparent rate of decline with age. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 39(5 suppl): 207P, 1998. (Abstract)Morris ED; Chefer SI; Lane MA; Muzic RF Jr; Wong DF; Dannals RF; Matochik
JA; Bonab AA; Villemagne VL; Grant SJ; Ingram DK; Roth GS; London ED Loss of D2 receptor binding with age in rhesus monkeys: Importance of correction for differences in striatal size. JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM 19(2): 218-229, 1999.Moss MB; Herndon JG; Killiany RJ
Age-related cognitive impairment in the rhesus monkey: Successful and unsuccessful aging. FASEB JOURNAL 12(5 pt 2 suppl): A943, 1998. (Abstract)Nozaki, M ; Mitsunaga, F ; Shimizu, K
Reproductive senescence in female Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata): Age- and season-related changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian functions and fecundity rates. BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 52(6): 1250-1257, 1995.Nozaki, M; Yamashita, K; Shimizu, K
Age-related changes in ovarian morphology from birth to menopause in the Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata fuscata. PRIMATES 38(1): 89-100, 1997. Nakamura E; Lane MA; Roth GS; Ingram DK
A strategy for identifying biomarkers of aging: Further evaluation of hematology and blood chemistry data from a calorie restriction study in rhesus monkeys. EXPERIMENTAL GERONTOLOGY 33(5): 421-443, 1998.Ochiai M
[Behavioral analysis of aged monkeys (Macaca fuscata fuscata): Effects of places on object discrimination learning.] REICHORUI KENKYU/ PRIMATE RES 14(3): 266, 1998. (Japanese) (Abstract)Pavelka MSM; Fedigan LM
Reproductive termination in female Japanese monkeys: A comparative life history perspective. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 109(4): 455-464, 1999.Peters A; Sethares C; Moss MB
The effects of aging on layer 1 in area 46 of prefrontal cortex in the rhesus monkey. CEREBRAL CORTEX 8(8): 671-684, 1998.Rao AJ; Ramesh V; Ramachandra SG; Krishnamurthy HN; Ravindranath N; Moudgal NR
Growth and reproductive parameters of bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata). PRIMATES 39(1): 97-107, 1998.Robinson D; Register TC; Carter LR
The effects of delayed hormone replacement therapy on estrogen receptors of the cynomolgus monkey bladder and vagina. NEUROUROLOGY AND URODYNAMICS 17(3): 241-247, 1998.Robinson, D; Rainer, R O; Washburn, S A; Clarkson, T B
Effects of estrogen and progestin replacement on the urogenital tract of the ovariectomized cynomolgus monkey. NEUROUROLOGY AND URODYNAMICS 15(3): 215-221, 1996.Santoni L; Simkin P; Kramer P; Ott S; et al.
Degenerative disk disease in the aging macaque. ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM 41(9 suppl): S147, 1998. (Abstract)Schwarze SR
Molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial alterations with aging: Studies in rhesus monkeys and Drosophila melanogaster. DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNATIONAL B59(7): 3253, 1999. (To order: #AAD98-29144. University Microfilms, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI 48106)Shimizu K
[Reproductive senescence in female Japanese monkey.] REICHORUI KENKYU/ PRIMATE RES 14(2): 115-119, 1998. (Japanese)Takahata, Y ; Koyama, N ; Suzuki, S
Do the old aged females experience a long post-reproductive life span?: The cases of Japanese macaques and chimpanzees. PRIMATES 36(2): 169-180, 1995.Thierry, B; Heistermann, M; Aujard, F; Hodges, J K
Long-term data on basic reproductive parameters and evaluation of endocrine, morphological, and behavioral measures for monitoring reproductive status in a group of semifree-ranging Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 39(1): 47-62, 1996.Todd HE; Shideler SE; Laughlin LS; Overstreet JW; Pohl CR; Byrd W; Lasley BL
Application of an enzyme immunoassay for urinary follicle-stimulating hormone to describe the effects of an acute stressor at different stages of the menstrual cycle in female laboratory macaques. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 48(2): 135-151, 1999.Uno, H
Age-related pathology and biosenescent markers in captive rhesus macaques. AGE 20(1): 1-13, 1997.Uno, H; Alsum, P; Zimbric, M L; Houser, W D; Thomson, J A; Kemnitz, J W
Colon cancer in aged captive rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 44(1): 19-27, 1998.Voytko ML; Ehrenkaufer RI; Gage HD; Mach RH; et al
Changes in cerebral blood flow of aged rhesus monkeys. SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE ABSTRACTS 24(Pt 2): 1496, 1998. (Abstract)Voytko, M L; Mach, R H; Ehrenkaufer, R L; Efange, S M N; et al
Enhancement of presynaptic cholinergic function with estrogen replacement therapy in ovariectomized rhesus monkeys. SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE ABSTRACTS 23(Pt 1): 696, 1997. (Abstract)Walker, M L
Menopause in female rhesus monkeys. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 35(1): 59-71, 1995.BEHAVIOR, COMMUNICATION, and COGNITION
Aureli, F
The mediating role of anxiety in conflict resolution among macaques. ADVANCES IN ETHOLOGY 32: 153, 1997. (Abstract)Aureli, F; Das, M; Veenema, H C
Differential kinship effect on reconciliation in three species of macaques (Macaca fascicularis, M. fuscata, and M. sylvanus). JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PSYCHOLOGY 111(1): 91-99, 1997.Bernstein IS; Cooper MA
Ambiguities in the behavior of Assamese macaques. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 45(2): 170-171, 1998. (Abstract)Bolton KA; Campbell VM; Burton FD
Chemical analysis of soils of Kowloon (Hong Kong) eaten by hybrid macaques. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY 24(2): 195-205, 1998.Bryant NJ; Dillehay DL
Unilateral testicular atrophy in a cynomologus monkey (Macaca fascicularis). LAB ANIMAL 27(7): 23-25, 1998.Buske C; Hannig H; Schneider EM; Blaschke S; Hunsmann G; Bodemer W; Hiddemann W
Transforming growth factor beta is a growth-inhibitory cytokine of B cell lymphoma in SIV-infected macaques. AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES 15(16): 1477-1485, 1999.Call, J; Aureli, F; de Waal, F B M
Post-conflict behaviour in stumptail macaques. ADVANCES IN ETHOLOGY 32: 154, 1997. (Abstract)Canfield, D R; Tarara, R P; Miller, C J; Solnick, J V
Gastric malt lymphoma associated with Helicobacter pylori infection in rhesus monkeys. GASTROENTEROLOGY 112(4, suppl): A543, 1997. (Abstract)Chandra M; Mansfield KG
Spontaneous pericardial mesothelioma in a rhesus monkey. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PRIMATOLOGY 28(3): 142-144, 1999.Chatani K
Development of "climbing" behavior in Japanese macaques. ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE 107(1): 94, 1999. (Abstract)Cichy KA
Male-infant interactions and adult male social strategies in Macaca fascicularis. DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNATIONAL A59(2): 542, 1998. (To order: #AAD98-23611. University Microfilms, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI 48106)Clarke AS; Kraemer GW and Kupfer DJ.
Effects of rearing condition on HPA axis response to fluoxetine and desipramine treatment over repeated social separations in young rhesus monkeys. PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH 79(2): 91-104, 1998. (RF 023341)Cooper MA; Bernstein IS
Reconciliation in Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 45(2): 175, 1998. (Abstract)Das M; Penke Z; van Hooff JARAM
Postconflict affiliation and stress-related behavior of long-tailed macaque aggressors. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 19(1): 53-71, 1998.Das, M; Penke, Z; van Hooff, J A R A M
Affiliation between aggressors and third parties following conflicts in long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 18(2): 159-181, 1997.Das, M; Penke, Z; van Hooff, J A R A M
Post-conflict affiliation and stress in long-tailed macaque aggressors. ADVANCES IN ETHOLOGY 32: 155, 1997. (Abstract)Datta, J
Observation on urban rhesus monkeys. CURRENT SCIENCE 71(12): 941, Ruiter, JR; Geffen, E
Relatedness of matrilines, dispersing males and social groups in long- tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON B265(1391): 79-87, Waal, F B M
Macaque social culture: Development and perpetuation of affiliative networks. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PSYCHOLOGY 110(2): 147-154, 1996.Di Trani, C M P
Conflict causes and resolution in semi-free-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 69(1): 47-48, 1998. (Abstract)Fujita, K; Watanabe, F; Widarto, T H; Suryobroto, B
Discrimination of macaques by macaques: The case of Sulawesi species. PRIMATES 38(3): 233-245, 1997.Gevers E; Preuschoft S; van Hooff JARAM
Functional differentiation in the affiliative facial displays of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 69(4): 199, 1998. (Abstract)Hammerschmidt K; Fischer J
The vocal repertoire of Barbary macaques: A quantitative analysis of a graded signal system. ETHOLOGY 104(3): 203-216, 1998.Hauser, M D
Vocal communication in macaques: Causes of variation. Pp. 551-577 in EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY OF MACAQUE SOCIETIES. J.E. Fa; D.G. Lindburg, eds. New York, Cambridge Univ Press, 1996.Huffman, M A
Acquisition of innovative cultural behaviors in nonhuman primates: A case study of stone handling, a socially transmitted behavior in Japanese macaques. Pp. 267-289 in SOCIAL LEARNING IN ANIMALS: THE ROOTS OF CULTURE. C.M. Heyes; B.G. Galef, Jr., eds. San Diego, Acad Press, Inc., 1996.Jones, S; King, J E; Droigk, J
Crowd size and activity affects macaque behavior in zoos. CHIMPANZOO CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (1996): 84, 1997. (Abstract)Judge, P G; Bernstein, I S; Ruehlmann, T E
Reconciliation and other post-conflict affiliative behavior in juvenile rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 42(2) 120, 1997. (Abstract)Judge, P G; de Waal, F B M
Rhesus monkey behaviour under diverse population densities: Coping with long-term crowding. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 54(3): 643-662, 1997.Klaiber-Schuh, A; Welker, C
Crab-eating monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) can be trained to cooperate in non-invasive oral medication without stress. PRIMATE REPORT 47: 11-30, 1997.Koyama, N F
Reconciliation in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). PRIMATE EYE (63): 37-38, 1997. (PhD thesis abstract)Matsumura S
The evolution of egalitarian| and |despotic| social systems among macaques. PRIMATES 40(1): 23-31, 1999.Munoz-Delgado J; Luna-Vilegas G; Garrido-Guil L; Mondragon-Ceballos R; Fernandez-Guardiola A
[A model of social strategy during nocturnal rest in Macaca arctoides in outdoor captivity.] SALUD MENTAL 20(4): 16-22, 1997.Owens LE; Stern JM; Myers CM; Kozma SB; et al.
Analyzing differences in post-conflict behavior is difficult if there are few conflicts: A study of compatible groups of captive chimpanzees and rhesus macaques. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 45(2): 198-199, 1998. (Abstract)Pavelka, M S M
The social life of female Japanese monkeys. Pp. 76-85 in THE EVOLVING FEMALE: A LIFE-HISTORY PERSPECTIVE. M.E. Morbeck; A. Galloway; A.L. Zihlman, eds. Princeton, Princeton Univ Press, 1997.Pellis, S M; Pellis, V C; Thierry, B
The use of the bared teeth display as a play signal in Tonkean macaques Macaca tonkeana. ADVANCES IN ETHOLOGY 32: 140, 1997. (Abstract)Petit, O; Abegg, C; Thierry, B
A comparative study of aggression and conciliation in three cercopithecine monkeys (Macaca Fuscata, Macaca nigra, Papio papio). BEHAVIOUR 134(5-6): 415-432, 1997.Rosati, L; Schino, G; D'Amato, F R; Geminiani, S; et al
Intragroup variation in conciliatory tendencies in Japanese macaques, Macaca fuscata. ADVANCES IN ETHOLOGY 32: 156, 1997. (Abstract)Schino G; Rosati L; Aureli F
Intragroup variation in conciliatory tendencies in captive Japanese macaques. BEHAVIOUR 135(7): 897-912, 1998.Smucny, D A; Price, C S; Byrne, E A
Postconflict affiliation and stress reduction in captive rhesus macaques. ADVANCES IN ETHOLOGY 32: 157, 1997. (Abstract)Sprague DS; Suzuki S; Takahashi H; Sato S
Male life history in natural populations of Japanese macaques: Migration, dominance rank, and troop participation of males in two habitats. PRIMATES 39(3): 351-363, 1998.Steiner SM
Social development in rhesus monkeys: Behavioral consistencies across social contexts. DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNATIONAL B59(7): 3741, 1999. (To order: #AAD99-00110. University Microfilms, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI 48106)Tanaka, I
In louse egg-handling among Japanese macaques, did a burden for displacement of techniques obstruct the social transmission of behavior. ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE 105(1): 48, 1997. (Abstract)Tanaka, I
[Mechanism of replacement in louse egg-handling techniques among free-ranging Japanese macaques.] REICHORUI KENKYU/ PRIMATE RES 13(3): 237, 1997. (Japanese, abstract)Thierry, B; Aureli, F; de Waal, F B M; Petit, O
Variation in reconciliation patterns and social organisation across nine species of macaques. ADVANCES IN ETHOLOGY 32: 39, 1997. (Abstract)Toth, P I; Szabo, G; Varga, L
Determination of kinship and preferential relationships in a rhesus group by behavioral and molecular genetics methods. IPS/ASP CONGRESS ABSTRACTS (1996): #787, 1996. (Abstract)Zuberbuehler, K; Gygax, L; Harley, N; Kummer, H
Stimulus enhancement and spread of a spontaneous tool use in a colony of long-tailed macaques. PRIMATES 37(1): 1-12, 1996.BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH
Carlson, C S; O'Sullivan, M G; Jayo, M J; Anderson, D K; Harber, E S; Jerome, W G; Bullock, B C; Heberling, R L
Fatal disseminated cercopithecine herpesvirus 1 (herpes B) infection in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). VETERINARY PATHOLOGY 34(5): 405-414, 1997.Conlee, K M; Lilly, A A; Taub, D M
Formation of outdoor multimale breeding groups of rhesus macaques. IPS/ASP CONGRESS ABSTRACTS (1996): #671, 1996. (Abstract)Desrosiers, R C
The value of specific pathogen-free rhesus monkey breeding colonies for AIDS research. AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES 13(1): 5-6, 1997. (Letter)Dubois, A; Fiala, N; Berg, D E; Perez-Perez, G; et al
Omeprazole-clarithromycin-based therapy can cure Helicobacter pylori infection in rhesus monkeys. GASTROENTEROLOGY 110(4, suppl): A898, 1996. (Abstract)Fisher MH; Amend AM; Bach TJ; Barker JM; Brady EJ; Candelore MR; Carroll D; Cascieri MA; Chiu SHL; Deng LP; Forrest MJ; Hegarty-Friscino B; Guan XM; Hom GJ; Hutchins JE; Kelly LJ; Mathvink RJ; Metzger JM; Miller RR; Ok HO; Parmee ER; Saperstein R; Strader CD; Stearns RA; Thompson GM; Tota L; Vicario PP; Weber AE; Woods JW; Wyvratt MJ; Zafian PT; MacIntyre DE
A selective human beta3 adrenergic receptor agonist increases metabolic rate in rhesus monkeys. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 101(11): 2387-2393, 1998.Haskell-Luevano C; Chen P; Li C; Chang K; Smith MS; Cameron JL; Cone RD
Characterization of the neuroanatomical distribution of agouti- related protein immunoreactivity in the rhesus monkey and the rat. ENDOCRINOLOGY 140(3): 1408-1415, 1999.Hilliard JK; Ward JA
B-virus specific-pathogen-free breeding colonies of macaques (Macaca mulatta): Retrospective study of seven years of testing. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 49(2): 144-148, 1999.Hilliard, J K ; Ward, J A
B virus specific pathogen-free breeding colonies of macaques: Retrospective study of four years of surveillance. CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY 15: 195, 1994. (Abstract)Hilliard, J K; Ward, J A
A virus specific-pathogen-free breeding colonies of macaques: Case histories of animals tested in the fifth year. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 45(4): 454 1995. (Abstract) Reprinted in: Contemp Top Lab Anim Sci 34(4): 45-46, 1995.Kanthaswamy S; Smith DG
Use of microsatellite polymorphisms for paternity exclusion in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). PRIMATES 39(2): 135-145, 1998.Kessler, M J ; Hilliard, J K
Seroprevalance of B virus (Herpesvirus simiae) antibodies in a naturally formed group of rhesus macaques. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PRIMATOLOGY 19(2): 155-160, 1990.Klots IN; Rezikyan SA; Indzhiya LV; Chalyan VG; Meishvili NV; Lapin BA
[Development of a method for creating a colony of Macaca mulatta, free of herpes B virus infection.] ZHURNAL MIKROBIOLOGII, EPIDEMIOLOGII I IMMUNOBIOLOGII (3): 67-68, 1998. (Russain w/ English summary)Kyes, R C
Survey of the long- tailed macaques introduced onto Tinjil Island, Indonesia. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 31(1): 77-83, 1993.Lerche, N W ; Yee, J L ; Jennings, M B
Establishing specific retrovirus-free breeding colonies of macaques: Principles, practices, problems and progress. Pp. 51 in XIVTH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Strasbourg, IPS, 1992. (Abstract)Lerche, N W ; Yee, J L ; Jennings, M B
Establishing specific retrovirus-free breeding colonies of macaques: An approach to primary screening and surveillance. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 44(3): 217-221, 1994.Litton KJ; Izard MK
Reproductive statistics in a specific pathogen-free breeding colony of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 49(1): 74, 1999. (Abstract)Matsubayashi, K ; Gotoh, S ; Kawamoto, Y ; Nozawa, K ; Watanabe, T ; Takasaka, M ; Narita, T ; Griffiths, O ; Stanley, M -A
Hematological, parasitological and microbiological examinations on crab-eating macaques in Mauritius. KYOTO UNIVERSITY OVERSEAS RESEARCH REPORT OF STUDIES ON ASIAN NON-HUMAN PRIMATES 8: 1-10, 1991.Matsubayashi, K ; Gotoh, S ; Kawamoto, Y ; Watanabe, T ; Nozawa, K ; Takasaka, M ; Narita, T ; Griffiths, O ; Stanley, M -A
Clinical examinations on crab-eating macaques in Mauritius. PRIMATES 33(2): 281-288, 1992.Maurin-Blanchet H
[Primates for biomedical research: Discovery of a controlled supply of cynomolgus in Mauritius.] PRIMATOLOGIE. 1: 547-556, 1998. (French)Narita, T ; Mukai, R ; Kohno, A ; Takasaka, M
[TPC's laboratory-bred cynomolgus monkeys - Natural infections with various pathogenic agents in laboratory-bred cynomolgus monkeys.] TPC NEWS 10(1): 15-20, 1991. (Japanese w/ supplementary English summary)Pamungkas, J ; Bielitzki, J T ; Watanabe, R A ; Thouless, M ; Kuller, L ; Schmidt, A M ; Tsai, C -C ; Sajuthi, D ; Morton, W R
Prevalence of certain infectious diseases in feral Macaca fascicularis from Indonesia. AAZV [AM ASSOC ZOO VET] ANNUAL PROCEEDINGS (1992): 303-305, 1992.Pamungkas, J ; Sajuthi, D ; Lelana, P A ; Joeniman, B ; et al
Tinjil Island, a natural habitat breeding facility of simian retrovirus-free Macaca fascicularis. Pp. 198-199 in XIVTH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Strasbourg, IPS, 1992. (Abstract)Port, C D ; Dal Corobbo, M
A herpes B virus antibody negative macaque colony. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 40(5): 549, 1990. (Abstract)Roberts, J ; Short, J ; Cello, S
Development of a Herpes simiae and retrovirus free Macaca mulatta breeding colony. Pp. 113 in XIIITH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY ABSTRACTS. Nagoya, IPS, 1990. (Abstract)Roberts, J ; Short, J ; Cello, S
Development of a Herpes simiae and retrovirus free Macaca mulatta breeding colony: Progress report. Pp. 679-682 in PRIMATOLOGY TODAY. A. Ehara; T. Kimura; O. Takanaka; M. Iwamoto, eds. Amsterdam, Elsevier Sci. Publ., 1991.Sauber, J J ; Fanton, J W ; Harvey, R C ; Golden, J G
An attempt to eradicate Herpesvirus simiae from a rhesus monkey breeding colony. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 42(5): 458-462, 1992.Schapiro, S
Breeding specific-pathogen-free (SPF) rhesus monkeys: The development and progress of a national program in the USA. Pp. 49 in XIVTH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Strasbourg, IPS, 1992. (Abstract)Schapiro, S J ; Bloomsmith, M A ; Keeling, M E
A comparison of the effects of physical and feeding enrichment on singly caged specific pathogen free (SPF) rhesus monkey yearlings. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 20(3): 231-232, 1990. (Abstract)Schapiro, S J ; Bloomsmith, M A ; Keeling, M E
Short-term effects of environmental enrichment on the behavior of singly-caged specific pathogen free (SPF) rhesus monkey yearlings. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 20(3): 232, 1990. (Abstract)Schapiro, S J ; Bloomsmith, M A ; Kessel, A L ; Bushong, D ; et al
Effects of environmental enrichment on the social behavior of pair-housed juvenile specific pathogen free (SPF) rhesus monkeys. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 24(2): 133-134, 1991. (Abstract)Schapiro, S J ; Bloomsmith, M A ; Kessel, A L ; Keeling, M E
Effects of environmental enrichment on plasma cortisol levels of juvenile specific-pathogen-free (SPF) rhesus monkeys. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 24(2): 134, 1991. (Abstract)Schapiro, S J ; Lee-Parritz, D E ; Taylor, L L ; Watson, L ; et al
Behavioral management of specific-pathogen-free (SPF) rhesus macaques. Pp. 52 in XIVTH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Strasbourg, IPS, 1992. (Abstract)Schapiro, S J ; Lee-Parritz, D E ; Taylor, L L ; Watson, L ; Bloomsmith, M A ; Petto, A
Behavioral management of specific pathogen-free rhesus macaques: Group formation, reproduction, and parental competence. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 44(3): 229-234, 1994.Schapiro, S J; Bloomsmith, M A; Suarez, S A; Porter, L M
Maternal behavior of primiparous rhesus monkeys: Effects of limited social restriction and inanimate environmental enrichment. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE 45(1-2): 139-149, 1995.Schapiro, S J; Bloomsmith, M A; Porter, L M; Suarez, S A
Enrichment effects on rhesus monkeys successively housed singly, in pairs, and in groups. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE 48(3-4): 159-171, 1996.Schapiro, S J; Porter, L M; Suarez, S A; Bloomsmith, M A
Age and social experience affect the breeding performance of subadult male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). CONTEMPORARY TOPICS IN LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 34(5): 93-95, 1995.Smith, D G
Genetic heterogeneity in five captive specific pathogen-free groups of rhesus macaques. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 44(3): 200-210, 1994.Smith, D G ; Rolfs, B K
Genetic subdivision among SPF groups of rhesus macaques. Pp. 52 in XIVTH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Strasbourg, IPS, 1992. (Abstract)Solnick J; Canfield DR; Hansen LM; Torabian SZ
Immunization against Helicobacter pylori with recombinant urease in specific pathogen (Helicobacter) free rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). GASTROENTEROLOGY 116(4 pt 2): A315, 1999. (Abstract)Solnick JV; Canfield DR; Yang S; Parsonnet J
The rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) model of Helicobacter pylori: Serodetection and selection of specific pathogen-free animals. GASTROENTEROLOGY 114(4, suppl): A290, 1998. (Abstract)Solnick JV; Canfield DR; Yang SF; Parsonnet J
Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) model of Helicobacter pylori: Noninvasive detection and derivation of specific-pathogen-free monkeys. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 49(2):: 197-201, 1999.Solnick, J V; Canfield, D R; Parsonnet, J
Seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in rhesus monkeys. GASTROENTEROLOGY 110(4, suppl): A261, 1996. (Abstract)Stanley-Griffiths, M -A
The breeding of naturally occurring B-virus-free cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) on the Island of Mauritius. CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY 15: 374, 1994. (Abstract)Takasaka M; Narita T; Mukai R
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Effect of social rearing conditions on affiliative and reproductive behaviors of adult unimale/multifemale-grouped rhesus macaques: A case study. CONTEMPORARY TOPICS IN LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 34(6): 66-69, 1995. Comment & reply: 35(2): 6, 1996.Weigler, B J
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Risk of venereal B virus (cercopithecine herpesvirus 1) transmission in rhesus monkeys using molecular epidemiology. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 171(5): 1139-1143, 1995.Westergaard GC; Izard MK; Drake JH; Suomi SJ; Higley JD
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Alternative reproductive tactics and reproductive success in male rhesus macaques. BEHAVIOUR 129(3-4): 177-201, 1994.Berard, J D ; Schmidtke, J
Mating patterns and paternity through DNA fingerprinting in rhesus macaques: A five year study. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 33(3): 194-195, 1994. (Abstract)Bercovitch, F B
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Genetic determination of paternity and variation in male reproductive success in two populations of rhesus macaques. ELECTROPHORESIS 18(9): 1701-1705, Ruiter, J R ; van Hooff, J A R A M ; Scheffrahn, W
Social and genetic aspects of paternity in wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). Pp. 83-105 in BEHAVIOUR AND GENES IN NATURAL POPULATIONS OF LONG-TAILED MACAQUES (MACACA FASCICULARIS). J.R. de Ruiter, ed. Groningen, Privately published, 1994. (ISBN 90-393-0661-3)Dittus WPJ
Birth sex ratios in toque macaques and other mammals: Integrating the effects of maternal condition and competition. BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY 44(3): 149-160, 1998.Fahey BF; Fischer J
Assessing female preference for male copulation calls in rhesus macaques: A playback study. FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 69(4): 229-230, 1998. (Abstract)Hsu MJ; Agoramoorthy G
Population dynamics and male leader tenures among Formosan macaques at Mt. Longevity, Taiwan. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 49(1): 63-64, 1999. (Abstract)Kurita H
[Influence of dominance rank and offspring's sex on the onset of the next reproductional cycle of female Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata).] REICHORUI KENKYU/ PRIMATE RES 14(3): 145-151, 1998. (Japanese w/ English summary)Kuester, J; Paul, A; Arnemann, J
Age-related and individual differences of reproductive success in male and female Barbary macaques. PRIMATES 36(4): 461-476, 1995.Manson, J H
Does female rank or age affect mate choice in free-ranging rhesus macaques? FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 68(6): 366-369, 1997.Noordwijk, MA van
The effects of dominance rank and group size on female lifetime reproductive success in wild long-tailed macaques, Macaca fascicularis. PRIMATES 40(1): 105-130, 1999.Ordog, T; MD Chen; KT O'Byrne; JR Goldsmith; MA Connaughton; J Hotchkiss and E Knobil
On the mechanism of lactational anovulation in the rhesus monkey. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 274(4, pt 1): E665-E676, 1998.Ordog, T; M-D Chen; JR Goldsmith; MA Connaughton and et al
Role of prolactin in the lactational anovulation in the rhesus monkey. SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE ABSTRACTS 22(Pt 3): 1788, 1996.Paul, A; Kuester, J
Infant handling by female Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) at Affenberg Salem: Testing functional and evolutionary hypotheses. BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY 39(2): 133-145, 1996.Paul A; Kuester J
Mate choice in Barbary macaques: What do mothers and fathers have in common? FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 69(4): 213-214, 1998. (Abstract)Paul, A; Kuester, J
Differential reproduction in male and female Barbary macaques. Pp. 293-317 in EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY OF MACAQUE SOCIETIES. J.E. Fa; D.G. Lindburg, eds. New York, Cambridge Univ Press, 1996. (ISBN 0-521-41680-9)Semple S
The function of Barbary macaque copulation calls. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON B265(1393): 287-291, 1998.Smith, D G
Avoidance of close consanguineous inbreeding in captive groups of rhesus macaques. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 35(1): 31-40, 1995.Soltis, J M
Sexual selection in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNATIONAL B57(9): unknown, 1997. (To order: #AAD97-04613. University Microfilms, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI 48106)Soltis J; Mitsunaga F; Shimizu K; Yanagihara Y; et al.
Female mating strategy in Japanese macaques. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 45(2): 209, 1998. (Abstract)Soltis J; Mitsunaga F; Shimizu K; Yanagihara Y; Nozaki M
Female mating strategy in an enclosed group of Japanese macaques. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 47(4): 263-278, 1999.Soltis, J; Mitsunaga, F; Shimizu, K; Yanagihara, Y; Nozaki, M
Sexual selection in Japanese macaques I: Female mate choice or male sexual coercion?. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 54(3): 725-736, 1997.Soltis, J; Mitsunaga, F; Shimizu, K; Nozaki, M; Yanagihara, Y; Domingo-Roura, X; Takenaka, O
Sexual selection in Japanese macaques II: Female mate choice and male-male competition. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 54(3): 737-746, 1997.Takahata Y; Huffman MA; Suzuki S; Koyama N; Yamagiwa J
Why dominants do not consistently attain high mating and reproductive success: A review of longitudinal Japanese macaque studies. PRIMATES 40(1): 143-158, 1999.Timmermans, P J A; Vossen, J M H
The influence of rearing conditions on maternal behavior in cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 17(2): 259-276, 1996.Troisi A; Carosi M
Female orgasm rate increases with male dominance in Japanese macaques. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 56(5): 1261-1266, 1998.van Noordwijk MA
The effects of dominance rank and group size on female lifetime reproductive success in wild long-tailed macaques, Macaca fascicularis. PRIMATES 40(1): 105-130, 1999.Vasey PL
Intimate sexual relations in prehistory: Lessons from the Japanese macaques. WORLD ARCHAEOLOGY 29(3): 407-425, 1998.Vasey PL
Female choice and inter-sexual competition for female sexual partners in Japanese macaques. BEHAVIOUR 135(5): 579-597, 1998.von Segesser, F ; Scheffrahn, W ; Martin, R D
Parentage analysis within a semi-free-ranging group on Barbary macaques Macaca sylvanus. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 4(1): 115-120, 1995.Wallen, K; Tannenbaum, P L
Hormonal modulation of sexual behavior and affiliation in rhesus monkeys. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 807: 185-202, 1997.Welker, C and A Klaiber
The crab-eating monkey (Macaca fascicularis) colony of Kassel University. Demographic and reproductive data from 1974 to 1995. PRIMATE REPORT 44: 54-55, 1996.Zehr JL; Maestripieri D; Wallen K
Estradiol increases female sexual initiation independent of male responsiveness in rhesus monkeys. HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 33(2): 95-103, 1998.CHILD REARING and DEVELOPMENT
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Juvenile friends, behavior, and immune responses to separation in bonnet macaque infants. PHYSIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR 61(2): 191-198, 1997.Brown GR; Dixson AF
Investigation of the role of postnatal testosterone in the expression of sex differences in behavior in infant rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 35(2): 186-194, 1999.Cardinal, B R; Kent, S J
Behavioral effects of simple manipulable environmental enrichment on pair-housed juvenile macaques (Macaca nemestrina). LABORATORY PRIMATE NEWSLETTER 37(1): 1-3, 1998.Champoux, M; Higley, J D; Suomi, S J
Behavioral and physiological characteristics of Indian and Chinese-Indian hybrid rhesus macaque infants. DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 31(1): 49-63, 1997.Cichy KA
Male-infant interactions and adult male social strategies in Macaca fascicularis. DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNATIONAL A59(2): 542, 1998. (To order: #AAD98-23611. University Microfilms, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI 48106)Clarke, A S; Schneider, M L
Effects of prenatal stress on behavior in adolescent rhesus monkeys. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 807: 490-491, 1997.De Vinney BJ; Berman CM; Rasmussen KLR
Weaning and maternal responsiveness to distress calling among free-ranging rhesus monkeys on Cayo Santiago. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 45(2): 176-177, 1998. (Abstract)DeVinney BJ; Berman CM; Rasmussen KLR
Changes in play behavior after sibling birth among free-ranging yearling rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 49(1): 48, 1999. (Abstract)Devinney BJ
Late infancy and early juvenescence among free-ranging rhesus monkeys: Social relationships and reactions to younger siblings' births. DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNATIONAL A59(9): 3525, 1999. (To order: #AAD99-05256. University Microfilms, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI 48106)Dixson, A F; Nevison, C M
The socioendocrinology of adolescent development in male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 31(2): 126-135, 1997.Ellsworth, JA and C Andersen
Adoption by captive parturient rhesus macaques: Biological vs. adopted infants and the cost of being a |twin| and rearing |twins|. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 43(3): 259-264, 1997.Falkenstein KP; Bohm RP; Scamardo KA; Davison BB
Procedure for successfully introducing cesarean-delivered rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) infants to their mothers. CONTEMPORARY TOPICS IN LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 37(2): 64-68, 1998.Fitch-Snyder, H; Harvey, N C; Lindburg, D G; Tornatore, N
Adult/infant affiliative interactions in Thibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) housed in a small social group. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 42(2) 110, 1997. (Abstract)Goin DL; Gust DA
Peer-rearing influences subsequent maternal behavior and infant survival in a newly formed herpes B-virus negative rhesus macaque group. PRIMATES 39(4): 539-543, 1998.Hammerschmidt K; Fischer J
Maternal discrimination of offspring vocalizations in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). PRIMATES 39(2): 231-236, 1998.Hammerschmidt K; Fischer J
Testing maternal discrimination of offspring vocalizations in Barbary macaques. FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 69(4): 230-231, 1998. (Abstract)Jovanovic, T and H Gouzoules
Vocalisations of kidnapped rhesus infants elicit differential responses from their mothers. ADVANCES IN ETHOLOGY 32: 124, 1997.Loew, S S; Fleischer, R C; Dittus, W P J
Male care behavior in wild toque macaques. IPS/ASP CONGRESS ABSTRACTS (1996): #635, 1996. (Abstract)Maestripieri, D
Maternal encouragement of infant locomotion in pigtail macaques, Macaca nemestrina. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 51(3): 603-610, 1996.Maestripieri D Parenting styles of abusive mothers in group-living rhesus macaques. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 55(Pt 1): 1-11, 1998.
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Social and demographic influences on mothering style in pigtail macaques. ETHOLOGY 104(5): 379-385, 1998.Maestripieri D; Carroll KA
Risk factors for infant abuse and neglect in group-living rhesus monkeys. PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE 9(2): 143-145, 1998.Maestripieri D; Carroll KA
Behavioral and environmental correlates of infant abuse in group-living pigtail macaques. INFANT BEHAVIOR & DEVELOPMENT 21(4): 603-612, 1998.Maestripieri D; Tomaszycki M; Carroll KA
Consistency and change in the behavior of rhesus macaque abusive mothers with successive infants. DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 34(1): 29-35, 1999.Maestripieri, D; K Wallen and KA Carroll
Infant abuse runs in families of group-living pigtail macaques. CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT 21(5): 465-471, 1997. (RF 022155)Menard, M ; Scheffrahn, W ; Vallet, D
Paternal certainty, relatedness and parental investment: A test in a natural population of Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 62(4): 204-205, 1994. (Abstract)Michael RP; Zumpe D
Developmental changes in behavior and in steroid uptake by the male and female macaque brain. DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 14(2-3): 233-260, 1998.Nakayama Y; Matsuoka S; Watanuki Y
Feeding rates and energy deficits of juvenile and adult Japanese monkeys in a cool temperate area with snow coverage. ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH 14(3): 291-301, 1999.Nevison, C M; Brown, G R; Dixson, A F
Effects of altering testosterone in early infancy on social behaviour in captive yearling rhesus monkeys. PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR 62(6): 1397-1403, 1997.Ogawa H
Adoption and social interactions between a mother and 'twin' offspring in Macaca fuscata. FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 69(2): 100-105, 1998.Ogawa, H
[Social interactions among a mother, an adopted infant, and a real infant of Japanese macaques in the Arashiyama F group.] REICHORUI KENKYU/ PRIMATE RES 12(1): 1-10, 1996.Paul, A; J Kuester and J Arnemann
The sociobiology of male-infant interactions in Barbary macaques, Macaca sylvanus. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 51(1): 155-170, 1996.Richardson, RL and WL MacCannell
Influence of female availability on adoption in two captive groups of pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 45(2): 204-205, 1998.Schapiro, S J; Bloomsmith, M A; Suarez, S A; Porter, L M
A comparison of the effects of simple versus complex environmental enrichment on the behaviour of group-housed, subadult rhesus macaques. ANIMAL WELFARE 6(1): 17-28, 1997.Schino G; Troisi A
Mother-infant conflict over behavioral thermoregulation in Japanese macaques. BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY 43(2): 81-86, 1998.Silk JB
Why are infants so attractive to others? The form and function of infant handling in bonnet macaques. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 57(5): 1021-1032, 1999.Steiner SM
Social development in rhesus monkeys: Behavioral consistencies across social contexts. DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNATIONAL B59(7): 3741, 1999. (To order: #AAD99-00110. University Microfilms, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI 48106)Suomi SJ
Conflict and cohesion in rhesus monkey family life. Pp. 283-299 in CONFLICT AND COHESION IN FAMILIES: CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES. Cox MJ, ed. Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc, 1999.Suomi SJ
Developmental trajectories, early experiences, and community consequences: Lessons from studies with rhesus monkeys. Pp. 185-200 in DEVELOPMENTAL HEALTH AND THE WEALTH OF NATIONS: SOCIAL, BIOLOGICAL, AND EDUCATIONAL DYNAMICS. Keating DP, ed. New York, Guilford Press, 1999.Suomi SJ
Attachment in rhesus monkeys. Pp. 181-197 in HANDBOOK OF ATTACHMENT: THEORY, RESEARCH, AND CLINICAL APPLICATIONS. Cassidy J, ed. New York, Guilford Press, 1999.Timmermans, PJA and JMH Vossen
The influence of rearing conditions on maternal behavior in cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 17(2): 259-276, 1996.Tomaszycki M; Cline C; Griffin B; Maestripieri D; Hopkins WD
Maternal cradling and infant nipple preferences in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 32(4): 305-312, 1998.Tsai T; Lindell S; Shannon C; Higley JD
Aggression to infants and maternal competence by female rhesus monkeys with low CNS serotonin functioning. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 45(2): 211, 1998. (Abstract)Watanabe K
[Infanticide of silver luton and palm-nut cracking of crab-eating macaques observed in the Pangandaran Nature reserve, Indonesia.] REICHORUI KENKYU/ PRIMATE RES 14(3): 235, 1998. (Japanese) (Abstract)Worlein, J M; Sackett, G P
Social development in nursery-reared pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 41(1): 23-35, 1997.Zajicek, K.B., C. Fahlke and M. Champoux.
1998. Rearing condition and novelty response in infant rhesus monkeys. Abstracts of the 21st Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, June 28-July 2, Georgetown, TX. CONSERVATION and POPULATION DATA (captive and wild info)
Cranfield, M; Liu, J; Summers, D; Smart, J; et al
The use of intercytoplasmic injection (ICSI) to enhance the conservation of the endangered lion-tailed macaque (LTM) (Macaca silenus). JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY (Suppl): P42, 1997. (Abstracts)Gledhill LG
INTERNATIONAL LION-TAILED MACAQUE STUDBOOK - 1997 UPDATE. Seattle, Woodland Park Zool Gardens, 1997, 143 pp.. (Data through 1/1/97)Lindburg, D G; Iaderosa, J; Gledhill, L
Steady-state propagation of captive lion-tailed macaques in North American zoos: A conservation strategy. Pp. 131-149 in PRIMATE CONSERVATION: THE ROLE OF ZOOLOGICAL PARKS. J. Wallis, ed. Location?, Amer Soc of Primatol, 1997.DIET
Colman RJ; Roecker EB; Ramsey JJ; Kemnitz JW
The effect of dietary restriction on body composition in adult male and female rhesus macaques. AGING-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH 10(2): 83-92, 1998.Edwards IJ; Rudel LL; Terry JG; Kemnitz JW; Weindruch R; Cefalu WT
Caloric restriction in rhesus monkeys reduces low density lipoprotein interaction with arterial proteoglycans. JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY A53(6): B443-B448, 1998.Gresl T; Cartee G; Gazdag A; Roecker E; et al.
Dietary restriction protects against the development of type 2 diabetes in rhesus monkeys. FASEB JOURNAL 12(4 pt 1 suppl): A254, 1998. (Abstract)Nakayama Y; Matsuoka S; Watanuki Y
Feeding rates and energy deficits of juvenile and adult Japanese monkeys in a cool temperate area with snow coverage. ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH 14(3): 291-301, 1999.GENERAL INFO
Bercovitch FB; Huffman MA
The macaques. Pp. 77-85 in THE NONHUMAN PRIMATES. Dolhinow P, ed. Mountain View, Mayfield Publ, 1999.GENETICS
Berard, J D ; Schmidtke, J
Mating patterns and paternity through DNA fingerprinting in rhesus macaques: A five year study. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 33(3): 194-195, 1994. (Abstract)Bercovitch, F B; Nuernberg, P
Genetic determination of paternity and variation in male reproductive success in two populations of rhesus macaques. ELECTROPHORESIS 18(9): 1701-1705, 1997.Casna, N J; Gergits, W F; Russell, C A; Willis, K B
Genetic variation within and genetic distance among captive colonies of rhesus macaques. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 42(2) 99, 1997. (Abstract)de Ruiter, J R ; van Hooff, J A R A M ; Scheffrahn, W
Social and genetic aspects of paternity in wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). Pp. 83-105 in BEHAVIOUR AND GENES IN NATURAL POPULATIONS OF LONG-TAILED MACAQUES (MACACA FASCICULARIS). J.R. de Ruiter, ed. Groningen, Privately published, 1994. (ISBN 90-393-0661-3)Goodman, B K ; Klein, D ; Tabor, D E ; Vockley, J G ;
Cederbaum, S D ; Grody, W W
Functional and molecular analysis of liver arginase promoter sequences from man and Macaca fascicularis. SOMATIC CELL AND MOLECULAR GENETICS 20(4): 313-325, 1994.Kanthaswamy S; Smith DG
Use of microsatellite polymorphisms for paternity exclusion in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). PRIMATES 39(2): 135-145, 1998.Morin, P A; Kanthaswamy, S; Smith, D G
Simple sequence repeat (SSR) polymorphisms for colony management and population genetics in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 42(3): 199-213, 1997.Nuernberg, P; Bercovitch, F; Berard, J; Sauermann, U; et al
Genetic analysis of Cayo Santiago macaques (Macaca mulatta) by multilocus DNA finger-printing and human derived STR marker typing. IPS/ASP CONGRESS ABSTRACTS (1996): #783, 1996. (Abstract)Nuernberg, P; Sauermann, U; Kayser, M; Lanfer, C; Manz, E; Widdig, A; Berard, J; Bercovitch, F B; Kessler, M; Schmidtke, J; Krawczak, M
Paternity assessment in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta): Multilocus DNA fingerprinting and PCR marker typing. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 44(1): 1-18, 1998.
Pastorini, J
Assessment of DNA fingerprinting as a tool for genetically differentiating populations and paternity testing in macaques. CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY 15: 402, 1994. (Abstract)Toth, P I; Szabo, G; Varga, L
Determination of kinship and preferential relationships in a rhesus group by behavioral and molecular genetics methods. IPS/ASP CONGRESS ABSTRACTS (1996): #787, 1996. (Abstract)Vernesi, C; Paffetti, D; Carla Campa, M C; Sineo, L
Usefulness of AP-PCR DNA amplification in the study of Macaca genus. PRIMATE REPORT 42: 22-23, 1995. (Abstracts)von Segesser, F ; Scheffrahn, W ; Martin, R D
Parentage analysis within a semi-free-ranging group on Barbary macaques Macaca sylvanus. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 4(1): 115-120, 1995.![]()