LINDA BARCKLAY and the PRIMATES at this sanctuary send a heartfelt THANK YOU to you for your generous donations. For those of you that did not wish for your names to be listed please know how deeply your help is appreciated.
To the volunteers from our local chapter of AZAK
SPECIAL THANKS to these wonderful people:
To for his hard work in finding volunteers, his fund raising efforts, and for his hands on work at the sanctuary
To Susan Navarette for her expertise in writing proposals
To Jocile Leyerle for providing our newsletter
To Frank Fay and the rest of the staff of for their tireless efforts on behalf of abused animals
To LeRoy Bridwell and his son, Kyle, of Bridwell Construction in Norman, OK, for their help building our macaque warm-up huts, and general gopher jobs
To Jodi Rosluk of and Caroline and Kelley Rogers for all their help in designing this website, and to all of those talented photographers who donated their lovely photographs to this project
To Helmut and Margarete Fishbeck and Karen Dawn and Ieva Zumbakyte for their contributions.
To the volunteers from "Michigan," Shae Governo and Collene Phillips.
To Scott Burr for the organic vegetables that the primates enjoyed. They were wonderful.
To Jessica Hafnagel and Jessy Phillips for the delivery of fruits and veggies and for hauling Bob Ingersoll back and forth to the sanctuary to work.
Special thanks to Danielle for sending me this inspiring letter!
Thanks, you are all GREATLY appreciated!